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Dolsey Paddle surfing SUPs 7574233037
Dolsey Surfboards and Paddleboards... 1000  stock 757 423 3037



Dolsey Bam Bam is a top seller and prefered ,  Ask why. . 800 969 7473

 Bam Bam / PCG 


Paddle surfing SUPs Dolsey  Surfboards and Paddleboards... 1000  stock 757 423 3037

EZ Wider


Dolsey Glider, sets the standard for lesson and rental SUPs, value, durability and stability. 800 969 7473



Dolsey soft top SUP, for lessons. for rentals, lessons, and  more  800 969 7473



Truth is, many of our sups are ocean ready, and wave worthy. Only the ripper was designed as a performance surf SUP, but all the above SUP are good SUPs to surf on.


The Glider and Bumper are more for beginners, the EZ Wider and Bam Bam good performers in small to overhead surf. 

The Ripper is the only SUP contestants have won ESA contests on.  

"I love use 8'8" bam bam is my go to SUP" - Michael Dolsey    

  Call 1-800-9697473



 MD - Headstand a Bumper                                                             8'8" Bam Bam working the point.                                                     Trusting a 9'4" EZ Wider

Paddle surfing SUPsDolsey  Surfboards and Paddleboards... 1000  stock 757 423 3037
WOW Paddle Surfing - Paddle surfing SUPs Dolsey  Surfboards and Paddleboards... 1000  stock 757 423 3037
Paddle surfing SUPs Dolsey  Surfboards and Paddleboards... 1000  stock 757 423 3037
Paddle surfing SUPsDolsey  Surfboards and Paddleboards... 1000  stock 757 423 3037
Paddle surfing SUPsDolsey  Surfboards and Paddleboards... 1000  stock 757 423 3037


Michael Dolsey Designs Surfboards

Performance. Quality. Value. Proven. Trusted.    

At Dolsey, we make a variety of board styles, constructions, and shapes. For learning, lessons, rentals, and performance surfing.

We manufacture boards that help you catch more waves, and that perform well.


Have a look, you will be impressed. Ride one, you will be a customer.    

Phone: 757-423-3037 | Toll-Free: 1-800-969-7473 | Text: 757-737-2004 | Fax: 757-423-5568

863 West 44th Street, Norfolk, VA 23508          

Email:  |     

            Dolsey since1978            

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